Getting Started with Wise APIs

This section equips you with the essentials to begin integrating the Wise APIs into your online tutoring application.


To ensure a smooth integration process, make sure you have the following in place:

  • A development environment: You'll need a development environment set up for your chosen programming language. Popular choices include Python, Node.js, Java, or PHP.

  • REST Client: A REST client tool will be helpful for making API calls during development and testing. Examples include Postman, Insomnia, or language-specific libraries like requests (Python) or axios (JavaScript).

  • Basic understanding of RESTful APIs: Familiarity with RESTful API concepts like endpoints, HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE), and JSON data format will be beneficial.

Signup and API Credentials:

  • Signup for a Wise Account: To access the API, you'll need a developer account on our platform. Visit to create your Wise account.

  • Obtaining API Credentials: Once your account is created, you can generate API credentials from your Settings > Developer options in your dashboard. These credentials will be used for authentication when making API calls.

Development Environment Setup:

Here are some general steps to set up your development environment (specific instructions may vary depending on your chosen language):

  1. Install necessary libraries: Install any required libraries or dependencies for making HTTP requests to the API. Consult your chosen language's documentation for specific recommendations.

  2. Configure your REST client (optional): If using a REST client tool like Postman, configure it to connect to the [Your LMS Name] API base URL (provided in the documentation). You can also set up environment variables to store your API credentials securely.

  3. Include API credentials in your code: In your development code, securely store or reference your API credentials to use them for authentication within your API calls.

Code Sample (Illustrative - Replace placeholders with actual values):


# Example using Python and requests library
import requests
import json

url = "{{host}}/user/getUser"

headers = {
  'user-agent': '{{user-agent}}',
  'x-api-key': '{{api_key}}',
  'x-wise-namespace': '{{namespace}}',
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


Testing Your Integration:

  • Start with basic calls: Begin by testing simple API calls to verify your authentication and environment setup. You can use your REST client or code snippets to make calls to endpoints like retrieving user information or listing available courses.

  • Test different functionalities: Gradually progress to testing more complex functionalities like scheduling lessons, enrolling students, or managing content delivery. Refer to the API Endpoints section for detailed information on each endpoint and its parameters.

  • Validate responses: Ensure the API responses match your expectations. Verify the data format (JSON) and structure of the response objects.

  • Utilize debugging tools: Leverage debugging tools within your development environment or REST client to identify and fix any errors encountered during testing.

By following these steps and best practices, you'll have a solid foundation for integrating the Wise APIs into your online tutoring application. Remember to consult the API Endpoints section for detailed information on specific functionalities and data structures.

Postman Collection for all Wise APIs

Last updated