Rate Limits and Usage Quotas

Wise APIs implements rate limits and usage quotas to ensure fair and efficient access for all developers integrating with our platform. This section clarifies these policies and provides best practice

Rate Limiting:

Rate limits help prevent abuse and maintain optimal API performance. They restrict the number of API requests you can make within a specific timeframe.

  • Requests per Minute (RPM): A higher limit of 500 requests per minute applies to cater to bursty workloads.

Consequences of Exceeding Rate Limits:

If you exceed the rate limits, your API requests may experience throttling. This means your requests will be temporarily slowed down or queued until you fall back within the allowed limits. You will receive an appropriate error message indicating that the rate limit has been exceeded.

Usage Quotas (if applicable):

In addition to rate limits, we may also implement usage quotas for certain functionalities. These quotas define the total amount of resources you can consume within a specific timeframe (e.g., go live API calls for one user).

Examples of Usage Quotas (if applicable):

  • Go Live API calls for a teacher: You may start a single session for a single teacher in a 10 second interval

Consequences of Exceeding Usage Quotas:

If you exceed your usage quotas, you may receive notifications or warnings. In severe cases, access to specific functionalities may be temporarily restricted until your usage falls back within the quota limits.

Best Practices for Staying Within Limits:

  • Optimize your API calls: Make efficient use of API calls by fetching only the necessary data and avoiding unnecessary requests.

  • Batch requests: When possible, group multiple related operations into a single API call to reduce the overall number of requests.

  • Cache data: Cache frequently accessed data on your end to minimize redundant API calls for the same information.

  • Monitor your usage: Keep track of your API usage through our developer dashboard or by monitoring response headers to identify potential quota limitations.

By following these best practices and understanding the rate limits and usage quotas, you can ensure a smooth and efficient integration experience with the Wise APIs.

Last updated