Wise Data Storage Policy

Effective Date: 1st March 2024

Wise Data Storage Policy is aimed to provide you with better control over your data and improve overall platform performance.

Key aspects of the policy:

1. Session Recordings and Archive Course Videos Deletion:

  • Session recordings and uploaded videos in Archived courses will be automatically deleted within 48 hours

  • You can find Archive courses in the Archived tab of courses (Example: Go to Live Courses > Go to Archive tab)

  • You can archive any active course by clicking in the 3 dots of the course in the Courses table. (Example: Go to Live Courses > Click in the 3 dots of any of the courses > Archive course)

2. Dashboard to view Storage of each course Features:

  • You can find the dashboard to view the storage of all your courses under Account > Plans and Add-Ons

  • This dashboard provides a convenient view to manage the storage for your account. This dashboard will enable you to:

    • Enable auto-deletion of recordings after a specified number of days

    • Archive courses that are not in use to free up storage space

    • Enable auto-unshare recordings from courses after a specified number of days. Any session recordings that remain unshared with any classroom for 7 days or more will be automatically deleted.

3. Storage Consumption and Fair Usage Policy:

  • If your storage consumption places you in the top 1% of our users, as per our fair usage policy, you may be required to pay for the additional storage consumption beyond the allocated limit. Our team will reach out to you with pricing details if you reach this threshold.

We believe this storage policy will enhance your experience with Wise while ensuring the efficient and responsible management of data storage within our platform.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team at info@wiseapp.live

Frequently Asked Questions

How is storage data calculated on Wise? Storage data is calculated for files (like session recordings, video files, PDFs, and other resources) uploaded on the platform.

How would I know if my storage limit is breached? If you fall within the top 1% of users for storage consumption, our team will reach out to you.

Can I request an additional storage limit for my account? Yes, users have the option to request a specific storage limit for their account. Please reach out to our support team at info@wiseapp.live if you would like to adjust your storage allocation.

Will these changes impact the cost of using Wise? The cost will only apply to users who fall within the top 1% of storage consumption as per our fair usage policy.

Last updated